Triple A Jumps & Jumps R Us

Poles and Planks

12' ROUND POLE (RP-12)

Our poles are available in 3 ½" diameter; and are turned from lodgepine, an ideal material combining economy and resilience with light weight. They are dried in racks to provide the straightest pole possible.

Hunter poles - White, Green, Grey or Brown
Jumper poles - An endless variety of options in striped poles are available.
Other colours available on request.

Weight: 22 lbs., 10 kg.

UnpaintedOne ColourStripedUsed Poles
$60.00*$70.00*$75.00*$65.00* (striped or solid)


Each plank is 12' x 91/4" and comes in two styles

Weight: 22 lbs., 10 kg.

UnpaintedOne ColourStriped


Brightly coloured, easy to move and store these Soft Poles are a great ground work training aid for all disciplines!
300 cm long – almost 10’. Come in a variety of colours

Price: $55.00 each*

*Please note prices subject to change without notice