Triple A Jumps & Jumps R Us


The wall, an important part of every course, creates a more substantial looking jump while providing another interchangeable component for more variety. We are pleased to offer an extensive choice of wall sizes and designs. All walls are constructed in two 5'6" sections for easy handling and designed so that all plywood edges are away from direct contact to the ground. Panelled faces are wood trimmed to protect against direct rain penetration.


16" - 20" Hunter walls in various styles and colours suitable for all levels of horses and riders.

Unpainted $275.00*/2 sections
Painted $350.00*/2 sections

14" Aquaduct Wall

This brown three arch wall will add an interesting aspect to your course. Height - 16"

Unpainted $195.00*/2 sections
Painted $250.00*/2 sections


This wall is also available in a smaller, painted 14" version $200.00

Height - 24"
Width - 10"
Weight - 110 lbs., 49.9 kg.

Unpainted $400.00*/2 sections
Painted $550.00*/2 sections

*Please note prices subject to change without notice